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Together, Further Than Yesterday…

We know well that we are going on a joint journey with everyone we work with. That's why we work with all our strength to complete this partnership with absolute customer satisfaction within the framework of our quality and trust principles. As Lokal Enerji, our pride is that we are one step ahead of yesterday in every field we operate.

Transit Trade


With our transit trade activities, which we have been actively carrying out since 2018, we have an active role in the supply of petroleum products in our country and in our nearby geography. We make significant gains for both our country and our partners with our trades in the transit trade sector, which is operated in warehouses, free zones and open seas, and we are growing day by day with the awareness of our responsibilities.

Lokal Enerji Transit Ticaret

Annual transit fuel trade

450 k tons

Annual transit LPG trade

225 k tons

Transit transportation

30 k tons

Fuel & LPG Distribution


We started LPG distribution with Dolugaz in 2018, and soon we reached an important position in our country's energy supply chain. Dolugaz, which has achieved great success in wholesale LPG trade between distributors as a result of the company structure that adopts the B2B (Business to Business) model, trust-based and high-capacity agreements, according to the annual sector report data of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, it is among the top 10 companies in the wholesale LPG trade.


Supply security with strong

supply network

Annual LPG trade volume

200 k tons

Transportation service annually

90 k tons

Fuel & LPG Storage


We diligently carry out the storage and handling activities of fuel, which is one of the most important stages of the energy supply chain, with our facilities located all over our country from Mersin to Ankara, from Izmit to Diyarbakır. Thus, we take pride in contributing to the stocking of the products that our country needs, ensuring the security of supply and assuring the need in energy.

Lokal Enerji Akaryakıt LPG Depolama

Total storage facility

4 fuel oil - 2 LPG

Total storage capacity

160 k cubic meters

Annual total handling

900 k cubic meters

Fuel & LPG Transport


With our Anapet brand, which we launched in 2015, we operate in the energy transportation sector, which has the most effective role in completing integrated energy systems. In addition to the railways that offer optimum solutions in terms of cost and security, we carry out efficient, low-cost and safe transportation of petroleum products with our constantly growing volume and fleet. In the LPG transportation activities we carry out with our Dolugaz subsidiary, we have reached a monthly capacity of 5,000 tons with a fleet of 13 vehicles.

Lokal Enerji Akaryakıt LPG Nakliye

Anapet wagon

250 units

Dolugaz LPG tanker

13 units

Annual fuel transportation

640 k tons

Annual LPG transportation

60 k tons

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